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Master of Arts in Family Life Education

Interdisciplinary Courses

PHI 700  [3] Philosophy of Adult Education - A colloquium that introduces a student to the OASIS philosophy of education and identifies the philosophical framework supporting the programme. The course is considered part of the Program Orientation Workshop. The course explores the importance of self-directedness among adult learners, differentiates andragogy from pedagogy, and considers the role of adult development in learning.

SR 651  [1] Research and Information Technology -  This Research and Information Technology seminar seeks to develop competency in utilization of information technology for research. These research tools include; computer applications, Internet use, data base search, email, citation and use of DIAL.  This seminar course provides a synergetic educational environment to prepare students to engage in lifelong scholarship.

COM 600  [3] Advanced Communication - This seminar assumes that students have a foundational understanding of human communication processes and knowledge in interpersonal communication, effective writing, and public speaking skills. The seminar presents advanced communication techniques and theory from a wide range of disciplines involving media, computer technology, regulatory systems, and information science. Delta methodology is used in a Study Group Design for presenting content that requires students to learn facts and deduce principles for application.

PHI 600  [3] Self-Concept - A colloquium that establishes parameters and components of self-concept and establishes understanding of individuals in a social group. Specific case studies are analyzed to illustrate different aspects of self-concept and the relationship to self-esteem.

OL 612  [3] Conflict, Cooperation, and Problem Solving - A comparison and contrast of the origins and development of conflict and cooperation; mechanisms for managing and resolving conflict; making decisions that elicit support, create unity, and long-term affiliation among co-workers. Skill development for in-depth listening and effective dialogue.

COM 700  [3] Communication Skills and Assertiveness - This course examines communication theories and skills, psycholinguistic principles and theories, strategies of active in-depth dialogue and assertiveness training. Attention is given to goal setting, role-playing, alternative behaviour, evaluating consequences and implementation of assertive behaviour. Course time includes both attention to theory and interactive skills assessment and development.

COM 701  [3] Hermeneutics - This colloquium approaches hermeneutics as it relates to Developmental Readings, the use of study methodology and the art of interpretation of formal writing.

SR 612  [1] Research Writing (Academic Writing)

PHI 601 [3] Professional Ethics & Society - An exploration of the issues, standards, and tensions that exist within professional ethics, personal morals, social structure, and government; ethical issues unique to or held in common among professions; investigation of ethics dealing with ethics in student’s own profession; the relationship and tensions among personal morals, belief systems, professional ethics, and the structures, norms and laws of one’s own society.

Family Life Education Courses & Course Descriptions

G 720  [1] Theoretical and Taxonomical Constructs in Family Life Education – A introduction to family science, foundational concepts and theories in family life education. Theoretical and taxonomical constructs are explained to form the foundation upon which family life education course content in the ten substance areas are built.

FL 706  [3] Family Resource Management—A study of the management of human and material resources designed to develop competence with and responsibility for goods and services available to a family in contemporary society; recognition of types of resources, processes for planning and implementing wise management; principles and skills for evaluating family resources, setting goals, decision-making, and implementing plans to fulfill the goals; combines learning general principles with selectively applying them to one’s own situation.

FL 707  [3] Sociology of The Family—The origin and development of the family as a social institution and its variations of structure, function, and culture; the relationship of the family to the economic, political, religious, and educational institutions in society; dating, courtship, marital choice, and work-family relationships; present and future demographic trends, gender roles, and culture-related influences affecting the nature of family living.

FL 708  [3] Family Law and Public Policy—A study of how law and public policy affect the family structure and way of life; an overview of the historical development of law and public policies related to families.

FL 715  [3] Human Development: Birth to Twenty—A study of physical, emotional, cognitive, social, moral/spiritual, and personality factors as they influence development through the life-cycle stages of prenatal, infancy, early to middle childhood, and adolescence; seminal theorists with alternate perspectives; and practical application for helping parents more effectively relate to and care for other family members.

FL 709  [3] Human Sexuality—An overview of the basics of sexual physiology, development, behavior, values, human sexual response, dysfunction, sexual abuse and violence, family planning, variations of sexual behavior, theories of sexual orientation, and the role of a family life educator in sex education.

FL 714  [3] Parent Education and Guidance—An examination of theoretical approaches to teaching, guiding, and influencing children and adolescents; the efficacy of major theories when put into practice by contemporary parents; beliefs and practices globally and historically; adjustments of parental style associated with individual differences and life-cycle status; provides appropriate opportunity to apply learning to personally relevant situations.

FL 716  [3] Human Development: Adulthood and Aging—A study of physical, emotional, cognitive, social, moral/spiritual, and personality factors as they influence development over the course of adult years, through the aging process, and death; the changing role of parents in relationship with adult children; and the condition of children caring for aging parents.

FL 710  [3] Family Dynamics, Marital Counseling and Enrichment— A study of the internal dynamics of families, and a survey of marital counseling and enrichment theory and practice. Exploration of research and theories towards an understanding of family strengths and weaknesses and how family members relate to each other, including: internal social processes, communication, conflict management, decision-making and goal-setting, understanding normal family stress & crises, as well as special needs of families. Discussion of conflict management in marriage, marital distress and divorce, gender roles in the family and family dynamics including the effects of the marital relationship on children.

FL 711  [3] Family Life Education Methodology—A study of the philosophy and principles of family life education and methods for planning, implementing, and evaluating activities to fulfill its goals; how to establish educational goals, select materials and activities, evaluate outcomes, and implement programmes that are sensitive to community concerns and values and bring benefits appropriate to the community being served.

FL 713  [3] Internship and Paper on Family Life Education — Forty-five clock hours of activity delivering family life education; must be preventive and growth-oriented rather than therapy, counseling, social work, early childhood education, etc.; supervised by a Certified Family Life Educator, if possible, or by an experienced professional who is working in any capacity that fits within family life education as broadly defined by the National Council on Family Relations; aims, conditions, and activities of the internship must be approved by faculty prior to the starting date. The USA based National Council on Family Relations sponsors the only programme to certify family life educators internationally.  The Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) programme encourages applications from all professionals internationally with subject work and experience in family life education including formal teaching, community education, curriculum and resource development, health care, military family support, counseling, and ministry.

The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR Minneapolis, MN) furnishes curriculum guides, lesson plans and supplemental resources for all Family Life subjects.  Although all materials needed for NCFR approval of institute and college family degree programmes are furnished, each educational institution is permitted by NCFR to present the curriculum in the context of culture and environment.  This process is ongoing as student assignments are assessed based on discovery of local resources.  As faculty members interact with student-generated material, newly discovered resources, and the cultural environment of families, the presentation of the subjects evolves and becomes more adapted to the environment and organizational culture.

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